The most valuable resource are conference publications (also called "papers"). A large majority of interesting (and high-quality) papers are available via one of the following digital libraries (free access for students of HS Augsburg, see below):
- ACM Digital Library (ACM = Association for Computing Machinery)
- IEEE Xplore Digital Library (IEEE = Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).
How to get papers
While on campus of TH Augsburg and connected to wi-fi you can download any paper from the above libraries for free. You can also access this service from home: Follow our Library's instructions for the ACM Digital Library and IEEE Digital Library respectively.
This is a selection of the most relevant conferences. People usually refer to them by their short name (e.g. CHI or INTERACT). There are many more conferences and workshops but be aware that many lesser known conferences have a very mixed quality.
- CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Flagship conference of the field
- INTERACT: IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction Broad range of topics, only every second year
- UIST: ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium Focuses on innovative interfaces
- TEI: Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction Broad range of topics
- ISS: ACM Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (formerly known as ITS and TABLETOP) Specializes on touch and interactive surfaces, usually takes place in November
- MobileHCI: ACM Conference on Human-Computer-Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services Topic: mobile devices
- 3DUI: IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces Topic: Interaction in 3D (including VR, AR), has been merged with the IEEE on virtual reality
These are specialized conferences which are also quite relevant for the topics in this course:
- ETRA: Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications
- SUI: ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction Topic: Spatial interaction, somewhere between ISS and 3DUI
- DIS Designing Interactive Systems
- EICS ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems
- VRST ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology
- ISMAR IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
- HRI Human-Robot Interaction This is a portal for human-robot interaction, including a link to the latest ACM/IEEE HRI conference
Here are three flagship conferences in their respective fields which are relevant to our course:
- UbiComp: International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing
- CSCW ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing
- ICMI: ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction
B. Buxton, S. Greenberg, S. Carpendale, N. Marquardt (2012) Sketching User Experiences: The Workbook, Morgan Kaufmann, 262 pages.
B. Albert, T. Tullis (2013) Measuring the User Experience, 2. Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 301 pages.
A. Oulasvirta, P.O. Kristensson, X. Bi, and A. Howes (2018) Computational Interaction, Oxford University Press, 432 pages.
J. Butler, K. Holden, W. Lidwell (2010) Universal Principles of Design, Rockport Publishers, 272 pages.
D. Wigdor, D. Wixon (2011) Brave NUI World: Designing Natural User Interfaces for Touch and Gesture, Morgan Kaufmann, 242 pages.
D. Saffar (2008) Designing Gestural Interfaces: Touchscreens and Interactive Devices, O'Reilly Media, 268 pages.
Groups and People
Here is an incomplete selection of research groups and influential people worth checking out for inspiration. Look for the respective subpages for publications or projects.
- User Interfaces Research Group (Antti Oulasvirta), Aalto University, Finland
- Future Interfaces Group (Chris Harrison), Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- Tangible Media Group (Hiroshi Ishii), MIT Media Lab, USA
- Autodesk User Interface Research Group, Autodesk Research, USA
- Dynamic Graphics Project, University of Toronto, Canada:
- HCI Group at Microsoft Research, USA:
- Bill Buxton
- Ken Hinckley
- Andy Wilson
- Hrvoje Benko, formerly at MS, now at Oculus Research
- UCL Interaction Centre (Nicolai Marquardt and others), UCL, UK
- GroupLab (Saul Greenberg), University of Calgary, Canada
- Interactive Media Lab Dresden (Raimund Dachselt), TU Dresden
- Institut für Visualisierung und Interaktive Systeme (VIS) und Visualisierungsinstitut (VISUS) der Universität Stuttgart
- Lehrstuhl für Multimodale Mensch-Technik Interaktion (Elisabeth André), Universität Augsburg