Tag: Processing

Processing: How to link up the (local) Processing API reference

Processing has a nice API reference page under http://processing.org/reference.You also have this locally (i.e. on your hard drive) once you install Processing and can open it in the main menu under Help > Reference.

Processing API

Under Windows, your Processing directory is probably in your C:\Programs directory. Go there and then to processing-2.0b7 (or whatever it’s called in your case) > modes > java > reference. Open index.html.

On a Mac, you go to your Applications folder, find Processing.app, rightclick and choose “show contents”. Then go to Contents > Resources > Java > modes > java > reference. Open index.html.

Creative Coding

It’s fascinating to see how many coding platform projects are dedicated to facilitating programming specifically for artists.

The following video presents three such projects. It features Processing (a Java derivative), Cinder (a C++ based framework) and OpenFrameworks (also C++). All of them are free and open source.

Let’s use this opportunity to post two examples of “creative coding”, both dealing with transformations of the human body. The first one is a video called “unnamed soundsculpture“, a work by onformative.

They used Kinects to record a dancer and used particle systems to transform the result. The making of is at least as interesting as the final result:

The second example is “Future Self”, a light sculpture, that works with sensor input about the position/pose of the observer.

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